SFTA promotes the use, enjoyment, and awareness of Sherborn’s publicly accessible conservation and forest properties for the benefit of residents of Sherborn and surrounding towns.
Objective 1
Access & Use
Promote access to Sherborn’s publicly accessible lands for use by walkers, equestrians, bikers, runners, cross-country skiers, etc. The purposes are both user pleasure and to build a constituency for the public lands by exposing people to the wonderful scenery and flora/fauna within, so people continue to protect open/recreational spaces for years to come.
Examples: SFTA holds regular trail clearing days, funds and builds trail bridges, advocates to keep Farm Pond accessible, and publishes the Sherborn Walks book to publicize access to open space.
Objective 2
Enable connections among trail users and between Sherborn’s
open/recreational spaces, neighborhoods, and town center, and among the people who enjoy them. Connections make jaunts (by foot or otherwise) longer, more enticing, and empowers alternative ways to get around town.
Examples: SFTA works to keep connector trails and bridges open and holds bi-annual “Conservation Connections” event and other public events.